Starting a new business is an exciting time for the new owners, but it can also be stressful. Every business owner wants to be successful, but it can be difficult to navigate the legal processes involved with starting your business. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration.
The type of business you are aiming to start can impact the necessary processes and paperwork for forming a business. You may also realize that you need to reassess your need for funding or additional support before officially starting your business. An experienced business attorney can guide you through everything you need to know about business formation law. The almost 60 years of combined experience means that the team at Blake & Ayaz can help you with entity formation or corporate formation.
Blake & Ayaz services clients in Santa Ana, Los Angeles, San Diego and Orange County, and throughout California.
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Having a great idea or developing an amazing new product is the first step to starting your own corporation, but it is not always that simple. The decision to start a new business requires a significant amount of careful planning, funding, and paperwork. The specifics of business formation will likely be different on a case-to-case basis, but there are several things that you should take into consideration when planning to form a new business.
Here are five important steps to forming a new business:
Every business will not follow the exact same formation schedule, but it is helpful to understand the basic process that everyone will follow. Developing a basic understanding of entity formation and business formation law, with the assistance of an experienced business attorney, can help you make important decisions.
One of the more difficult decisions that must be made during business formation is determining the type of entity the new business will be. In the state of California, there are six business structures you can choose from.
Each business structure requires specific forms and permits to keep the business running. Whether you are looking to start and maintain a business on your own or hoping to develop a brand that could outlive you, there is a business structure that can meet your needs.
The purpose of each of these various business structures is ultimately to protect the business owner. Making sure that your business is properly registered, has correct tax information, and can support employees can be difficult, but it is essential. One of the major things a business owner may want to protect is their intellectual property.
Intellectual property is any type of asset that was created from someone’s mind. These creations are often not physical but rather artistic. Some examples of intellectual property may be designs, engineering systems, company information, and more. The recognition of the importance of intellectual property has become more prominent in recent years. Many of the assets that should be protected by intellectual property law, like music and various types of writing, are made for public consumption. This can make it more difficult to get the correct protection, but there are several ways you can protect your intellectual property.
If you are starting a new business, you may find yourself needing to protect your intellectual property. There are several ways that you can protect your intellectual property in California. Some of the most common protections are:
Whether you are looking to develop a new secret recipe or provide the hottest new product, protecting your intellectual property is essential. Working with a trusted and experienced business lawyer can give you peace of mind as you get your new business established.
The knowledge and guidance of a business lawyer can make the process of starting your own business much easier. They will walk you through each type of business structure to ensure that you are following the plan that will benefit your business the most. Good legal representation can also ensure that you receive all of the profits and recognition that result from the use of your intellectual property. It is important that, as a new business owner, you are aware of the costs of representation.
The cost of working with an attorney may vary, depending on their experience and other factors. The average hourly rate for a business attorney in California is approximately $341/hr. An experienced attorney can guide you through the entire process of starting a new business, so this cost is often well worth it. If you want to start your own business, contact Blake & Ayaz for a consultation today.